Tuesday 4 March 2008


There is something very magical about a sunny afternoon at the beach, when the sun is beginning to go down and there is a hint of that cool night air coming in. You look into every rock pool expecting to see a tiny mermaid flitting in and out amongst the seaweed, gathering shells to decorate her cottage garden under the sea. Then KERSPLASH - 2 big merpeople who have given up their tails, soak you to the skin and run away before you can splash them back - an entirely different kind of magic!!!!
Connor and Kenzi love the beach and so it has become a Tuesday afternoon tradition to do the school pick up and then head to the Baths, swim or paddle for a bit and then head on to the rock pools and explore. While the weather holds out we can do this with ease. In winter I think we will just explore the rock pools.
Kenzi's shell collection is becoming extensive and we need to put another room on just to house them. However she does have a good eye for colour and shape, always amazed by the intricate design and thought that has gone into these little houses.
Connor is honing his rock skipping skills so that he can have a playoff with his Da and Uncle at Christmas time. He is blissfully unaware of any others on the beach and so must be watched carefully. I couldn't deal with any irate surfers sporting a flat rock in their forehead! No amount of charm would get me out of that one!
Now, is another magical time of night when we have finished reading our bedtime book (The Wishing Chair Again) and it is time for bed.
Sweet dreams and Goodnight!

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