Saturday 21 February 2009

The Post in Which a Bunny Appears

Hello peoples,
The house is still a mess, even more so than yesterday.  And it's not even my fault this time.  It's the psycho bunny.  Yup, he made me do it.  Little clouds of fluff flying through the air.  Random eyeballs rolling about on the couch.  Sharp scissors strewn across the couch.  The bunny with the killer eyes came from all this chaos.  Andrew has named him 'The Demon Rabbit of Milton Keynes'.
After all that craziness, I needed a little retail therapy to calm down.  I bought some new glasses.  The old ones are getting a little blurry on it (not to mention the green stuff I found growing on the part that rests on my ears this morning, eew).  So the top pair in this picture should be zooming my way soon.  Hopefully centred right, although it was ever so fun with Andrew and I trying to measure the distance between my pupils with a ruler and a texta.
Lastly, I went into the little sewing shop the other day to show a friend.  I had absolutely no intention of buying anything but these little beauties found their way into my bag before I left.  Nice, no?  And in the background is the hot water bottle a beautiful friend gave me to keep me warm when Andrew is away.  Aaaw.

1 comment:

Kt Mac said...

I am scared!!!! It's the friend of "monkey's gana get cha'... Augh!!! Groove glases but you nutter should have had PD done proper, you just ask at opto's you goose!