Tuesday 3 February 2009

The Wedding Post II

I've realised that I don't have a whole lot of fabulous photos from the wedding.  We were jammed against the wall during the ceremony, and it was so freakingly cold outside afterward that most of them are either wobbly or taken in huddles where you really can't see anything.  And to add to that, I had snuck off for a bit of warmth in the church hall when the wedding party photos were taken so I missed them too.  Oh well, I guess you'll kind of get the idea from these.  Points of interest: all the girls got kangaroo cookie cutters and all the boys got caramello koalas as favours; yup, that's Uncle John reliving his glory days by climbing on the church fence to take photos (really); and the bottom one, that's my marking pen beard (I got all cheap and coloured my nails in with marking pen and then put clear nail polish over them but a later touch up made it's way to under my lip, very pretty and very amusing for Andrew at the airport! And how MASSIVE is my nose?!).


Triniti the Luddite said...

You coloured in your fingernails????? You a re crazy.
Photo's are great but it looks cold. Your outfit is a stand out.

Kt Mac said...

yes your nose is huge!!! Was that the point of these posts??!! And it looks like you raided a blueberry patch before the wedding- I hear the food was small and scant so probably not a bad idea!!! You look fab- lucky you got mum to re-make the fatcoat into an overcoat!!