Monday 9 March 2009

Third Time Lucky

Kati is the third child in our family.  You know the saying 'third time lucky?'  I think Kati gets a little extra luck every now and then because she's the 3rd child.  For example, things happen to her like flying from India to Australia for a ridiculously low price.  Or buying a car without seeing it, and then it actually works.  Or ordering glasses over the internet that look totally great on her.  I, on the other hand, am the fourth child and my luck doesn't always extend as far as Kati Mac's.  I bought glasses on the internet.  And they don't look so hot.  The frames I wanted were discontinued so the company asked if I wanted the second option in that range, I said yes because I thought they'd be the same just in a different colour.  They are kind of the same, but they're green and wider.  The green is fine, but the wider?  My eyes now look like tiny, piggy eyes squidged into frames that extend past my ears.  Not my greatest look.  However, I can now live up to the challenge of trying to make something not-so-hot look good, it's all about wearing it with confidence right?!

1 comment:

Triniti the Luddite said...

Seriously I don't think they are really that bad. I mean I can only just see them from over here - so they are not that big!
KT says that when she has laser eye surgery you can have hers!
I think she is waiting to find someone who will do it for $5. And it will work, you know it will!
Have a great week.