Wednesday 12 November 2008

Things I Love

I love that my kids think that stupid is a swear word!
I love that my soil out in the back yard is rich and black and plantable.
I love that I can be in bed at 7pm looking at a 7:30 sleep night. Asleep before the sun goes down - I love that!
I love that taking a few iron tablets, along with some Vitamin C makes the world less fuzzy.
I love that I have lots of people I care for and lots of people that care for me.
I love that I can have yukky days that make normal day seem wonderful.

1 comment:

Calli Strawberry Jam said...

Looks like you've found your silver lining. I've found mine, Andrew being away makes me realise how great it is with him here (I already knew that but it reinforces it).
Love you.